

Build 18362 was version 1903, that reached end of support on 8th Dec. Each version is supported for 18 month from release. Previously MS had used the month of release as the last two characters, but changed the naming convention after version 2004 (build 19041). Currently the latest version is 20H2 (build 19042). Each has a 4 character name, the first two being the year and the last two indicating which half of the year it was released. Microsoft release a Feature Update to the next version of Windows 10 roughly twice a year. Have you done anything to deliberately block updates?

stopupdates stopupdates

You should have been automatically offered the Feature Update to a newer version in Windows Update. Do I need to update to this version manually?Microsoft actually say the system requirements are: "Windows 10 version 18362.0 or higher", so yes, you'll need to upgrade. Another Question, Ive been on Win 7 for many years, moving back to another system with Win 10, whats the deal with the OS build numbers? Ill assume that the auto updates WONT update the OS build? Im looling into getting Flight Sim 2020 and it says I need to be on this OS ( 18362.0 ) Im on OS 14393.2214.
